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Invited Talks

  1. Causal STAR BART for discrete outcome. SIS 2024: The 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - Bari (Italy), June 2024

  2. Confounder Dependent Bayesian Mixture Model: Application in Environmental Epidemiology. GRASPA 2023 - Palermo (Italy), July 2023.

  3.  Dependent nonparametric priors for causal inference problems.
    BNP-ISBA webseminar (joint presentation with Antonio Canale) -  Online, June 2023

  4. Confounder Dependent Bayesian Mixture Model: Application in Environmental
    NESS: 36th New England Statistics Symposium: Statistics and Data Science - Boston (Massachusetts, USA), June 2023

Contributed Talks

  1. Multivariate Causal Effects: A Bayesian Regression Factor Model. The 2024 ISBA World Meeting - Venice (Italy), July 2024

  2. Confounders-Aware Shared-Atoms Bayesian Hierarchical Mixture Model for Principal Stratification BaYSM - Online, November 2023

  3. Characterizing Heterogeneity of Causal Effects in Air Pollution in Florida
    SIS 2023: S
    tatistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation - Ancona (Italy), June 2023

  4.  Bayesian Nonparametric for Causal Inference. BNP13: 13th International Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics - Puerto Varas (Chile), October 2022.

  5. Dependent Dirichlet mixture processes for Causal Inference. BaYSM 2022 - Montreal (Canada). June 2022


Poster Presentations

  1. Multivariate Causal Effects: A Bayesian Regression Factor Model. BaYSM 2024 - Venice (Italy), June 2024

  2. Bayesian Nonparametrics for Principal Stratification: an Application on Environmental Policies Effects on Health. Bayesian Causal Inference Summer school - Firenze (Italy), July 2023.

  3. Bayesian Nonparametric for Heterogeneity in Treatment Effect. Atlantic Causal Inference Conference - Austin (Texas, USA), May 2023

  4. Probit Stick-Breaking Process for Causal Inference. The 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling - Trieste (Italy), July 2022.

  5. Probit Stick-Breaking Process for Causal Inference. The 2022 ISBA World Meeting - Montreal (Canada), July 2022.

Workshop & Summer School


Data Research Camp

San Servolo Island (Venice, Italy)

July 2022

A 4-day meeting where small research groups of young scholars, advised by senior researchers with well-established experience in different areas of Statistics. We developed innovative methods and models to analyze a dataset (recorder neuron activities), to answer scientific questions.

Bayesian Causal Inference

Summer school

Florence (Italy) June 2023

A week of summer school about the fundamental concepts and the state-of-the-art methods for causal inference under the potential outcomes framework, with an emphasis on the Bayesian inferential paradigm.

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